
Green Lawn Fertilizing works hard to stay local as an ever-growing business. By enhancing our community we look to exhibit qualities that show our company as a local company that cares for its citizens. Victory4Victoria is just one way we look to reach out into our community and is a very important cause for us here at Green Lawn.
Victoria is only 5 years old and is currently fighting Medulloblastoma (malignant brain tumor). Due to the surgery that she has undergone, Victoria has also developed Posterior Fossa Syndrome. Victoria has a long road ahead of her starting with radiation 5 times a week for several weeks, then chemotherapy for one year. In addition to her cancer treatments, she is undergoing intensive speech, occupational and physical therapies to help with her posterior fossa syndrome. Victoria has a brother, Dillon age 13, and a sister, Coral age 9. Her parents are Roger and Renee. Roger is a member of the Army and currently with B-Troop 1-104 Cavalry in Philadelphia. Roger was training when he received the call that Victoria was rushed to CHOP.
On Saturday April 21st, Victory4Victoria held a basket raffle to support Victoria Feldman and her family in their battle. Green Lawn Fertilizing and Green Pest Solutions were both proud to help as we donated two grand prizes, one full season of lawn care and one year of pest control service. Attending this great event was a real eye opener as there were donations from over 130 individuals and local businesses! When approached, Matt Jesson, president and owner of Green Lawn Fertilizing and Green Pest Solutions, he signed right up to help without question. Matt states that it is important for a local business to help out in the community whenever possible.
The winner of the lawn care package was Mrs. Janice K of Parkesburg Pa. and the winner of the pest control service was Jeffery and Jessica D of Boyertown Pa. Both baskets were presented by our employee Tim Clowney who had this to say “I am quite proud to work for a company who cares about people and has values. We are hoping for the best for Miss Victoria and will be keeping tabs on her recovery as she seems to be getting stronger by the day!”
Learn more about Medulloblastoma (Tumors located in the cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls balance and other complex motor functions)
Learn more about Posterior Fossa Syndrome (This is a symptom complex, including decreased or absent speech, irritability, low muscle tone, ataxia and the inability to coordinate voluntary movements)