Lawn Care Tips for Each Season

Your lawn may look it’s best in the spring and summer, but it needs attention every season to keep it healthy and green. Here are some lawn care tips for each season:
Lawn Care Tips for Each Season
- Avoid letting ice build up on your lawn. A layer of snow or ice provides the perfect conditions for diseases like snow mold.
- Avoid any kind of traffic on your grass in the winter. It can cause compaction that keeps the grass roots from getting the essential air it needs.
- If you didn’t aerate and overseed in the fall, do so as soon as possible in the spring. The process of aerating provides the perfect pocket for the seeds and also leaves space for air, which is essential for the health of the roots.
- Your grass roots need sufficient water to stay healthy. For green grass, long soakings once or twice a week is more valuable than surface-level watering daily.
- Weeds also love all the sunshine and water your lawn is getting. Make sure a weed control product is on your shopping list.
- A high-quality fertilizer will give your lawn the greener appearance you desire. We recommend a fertilizer that is rich in nitrogen.
- Be prepared for pests! Be sure to eliminate all sources of stagnant water, which is where mosquitoes lay their eggs.
- Continue your weed control program.
- Mowing regularly can protect your lawn from shade-loving weeds.
- Like in the springtime, your lawn needs regular watering to thrive.
- The fall is ideal for aeration because the air is cool and the soil is still warm. When you aerate the grass for the harsh conditions of winter, you are giving soil access to sun, nutrients, and air, which all help prevent lawn diseases—like snow mold—from growing.
- Fertilizer provides extra essential nutrients to your grass, which is particularly important during the cold winter months. Then in springtime, your grass is not severely lacking in nutrients.
- Before you store away your mower for the winter, take it out one last time and cut your lawn to the shortest height you have all season. The short height prevents snow mold and discourages little critters from making your yard their wintertime home.
Green Lawn Fertilizing Takes Care of Your Lawn Year-Round
With our Green Lawn Program, you get eight applications of necessary treatments to keep your lawn healthy all year long. For more information, call us today at 855-469-0692.