What to Look for in a Lawn Care Service

A quick search for a lawn care service company in your area will give you numerous results. With so many options for companies you can work with, do you know how to narrow them down? Ask these questions:
What services do they provide?
It may be a lawn care company, but that doesn’t mean they provide the services you need. For example, not all lawn care service companies offer mowing, which might be okay for someone who wants to mow on their own. And not all mowing companies offer weeding services. Know ahead of time what it is you want from your lawn care service so you can find a company that meets all your needs.
Do their methods line up with your needs?
There are many different options when it comes to lawn care products. Some lawn care service companies go straight for the chemicals, and others are careful about which products they use. You might be particular about which types of products end up on your lawn, especially if you have kids or pets who spend time there.
Where is the company headquartered?
Are you okay using a chain company, or would you rather stay local? There are some benefits of working with a national business, like there are plenty of resources for reviews. But will they know exactly what your area needs? Local companies specialize in your area, and they are aware of the potential opportunities and drawbacks of your yard.
Work with Green Lawn Fertilizing
We are a local lawn care service company serving Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. Our lawn care professionals know the ins and outs of your area, including the important factors that will affect the appearance of your lawn. Call us today at 855-469-0692 for a free quote.