Should You Be Overseeding in the Spring?

The temperature is rising and the days are getting longer. Flocks of geese are heading back up north and your allergies are starting to become a nuisance. These are all the signs of spring! But, as you’re inspecting your grass, you may be none too thrilled with the brown spots that may still be there on those gorgeous days spent outside. Is overseeding in the spring the best way to brighten your lawn? Yes!
If you are overseeding in the spring, do it as early as possible and combine the process with aerating. Aeration is allowing air, water, and nutrients to circulate through your lawn by creating small holes in the soil. And seeding, as it sounds, involves spreading grass seed. The small holes in the soil create the ideal for the new grass seeds to root. The extra seeds ensure every hole gets filled.
And next year, plan ahead. The best time to overseed and aerate is in the fall when seeds have plenty of time to find a cozy spot in the soil. Add it to your calendar so you can enjoy the start of spring without the extra work.
Ring in the Spring with a Green Yard and Green Lawn Fertilizing.
We are the green lawn experts in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. We know the ins and outs of overseeding in the spring and other things that can give you the bright, luscious yard you desire.