Lime Applications

What Is Liming?
Liming is the agricultural practice that involves applying a specific agent, such as limestone, to the soil with the goal of reducing its acidity.
This process effectively raises the pH level of the soil, creating a more balanced environment. By doing so, liming makes the soil more conducive to the healthy growth of turfgrass.
How Does Lime Help My Lawn?
When soil acidity is reduced to a suitable level (a desired pH range for our grass types is a pH of 6.0- 7.0), essential nutrients become more accessible to the grass roots, promoting robust and vibrant turfgrass growth.
This practice is particularly important in regions where the natural soil conditions tend toward higher acidity levels, as it helps maintain the health and vitality of lawns and gardens.
Why Do PA, NJ, and DE Experience Acidic Soil?
Our market naturally has acidic soils. We have performed thousands of pH readings as well as analytical soil tests validating this fact. There are several factors for why the northeast experiences acidic soils.
In the northeast we get a high rate of annual rainfall. Rainfall naturally causes loss of nutrients such as magnesium and calcium that would otherwise help buffer soil pH.
🌧️ Increased Rainfall = Loss of Nutrients
We also experience acidic rainfall due to air pollutants which impacts the soils pH and there is organic matter common to our market that decays causing the production of hydrogen ions responsible for soil acidity.
What Does Lime Have to do With My Lawn?
These applications are intended to maintain an optimum soil pH for grass growth. The benefits of a managed soil pH is that it enhances the availability of essential plant nutrients, better rooting of plants, improved soil structure as well as an increase in soil microorganisms.
If you don’t have annual lime applications included as part of your fertilizing and weed control service please fill out a free estimate form or give us a call for a quote!
Boost Your Lawn Care Benefits With Lime
We would be happy to provide you with a FREE ESTIMATE for lime applications. To speak to a Green Lawn Fertilizing lawn care expert today, call us at 888-581-5296 or fill out the form on this page.

Spring Lawn and Landscaping Guide
Plan carefully in the spring, and save money all year long on care for your prized lawn and landscape.