Four Reasons Why Lawns Turn Brown

One of the easiest ways to check your lawn’s health is to look at the color. Bright and green, and your lawn is probably healthy and happy. If it’s starting to brown, consider it a distress call. There are multiple reasons why lawns turn brown. Learn what they are.
Why Lawns Turn Brown
Rain tends to fulfill your established lawn’s water needs. If you don’t supplement water during a drought, your lawn will begin to die and turn brown. Usually, a good soaking can help your lawn perk back up.
While your grass needs sun to thrive, too much of a good thing can cause it to brown, called heat-burnt or sun-scorching. It usually appears as brown patches around your entire lawn. Water and time can help fix the issue.
Grubs cause brown patches in your yard where they munch on grass roots (and kill your grass in the process). You can identify a grub issue by digging up a patch of grass and looking at the roots. If you find grubs, treatment will be necessary to restore your yard to health.
Brown Patch lawn disease is caused by a fungus called Rhizoctonia, and as the name suggests, causes brown patches to appear on your lawn. It often seems to show up overnight. Luckily, it is easily treated with a fungicide.
Your Green Lawn is a Phone Call Away.
It takes some detective work to ultimately determine why your lawn turned brown. That’s why we’re here! And to help you keep your lawn bright and happy, our Green Lawn Program ensures year-round care. Call us today at 855-469-0692 for a free quote and to schedule a service.