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Is Grass Good for the Environment?

TruGreen vs Lawn Doctor

You know trees are good for the air, but what do you know about grass and the environment? Does this plant also have a positive effect on the world?

Grass and the Environment

Grass is beneficial for the environment. Unlike dirt and pavement, grass earns its keep as it covers the ground. Here’s why:

  • It takes up carbon dioxide and creates oxygen.
  • It traps stormwater runoff, unlike soil, mulch, or gravel that allow rain to flow freely into storm drains, causing floods.
  • It improves groundwater resources by preventing soil compaction. This helps areas that rely on precipitation for drinking water.
  • It actually helps with noise control! Unlike pavement, it acts like an insulation panel, absorbing noises.
  • It helps maintain a cooler temperature than building surrounded by concrete. That means it can even help lower your air coniditioning needs.

Maintain a Healthy Lawn with help from Green Lawn Fertilizing.

We offer a variety of services to make sure your yard has everything it needs to thrive. Check out our Green Lawn Program to learn more information about the year-round care we offer. It includes eight applications to address weeds, lawn health, and pests. Give us a call today at 855-469-0692 to schedule a service.

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